Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 9th May 2016 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
Mike Pitchford - Treasurer
John Bulmer
Bob Hickson
Ron Kidson
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington with Boscobel PC)

1. Apologies received from David Thomas, Mike Pitchford and Peter Leigh. Michael Ward (ex-officio representing Albrighton PC) did not attend.

The committee was pleased to welcome Ian Kilby, Operations Manager – Planning Services, Shropshire Council. Ian tabled the two attached Plans of the East of Shaw Lane Development. Phases i and 2.
The committee gave Ian a copy of our response to the consultation organised by Boningale Homes (BH) regarding their development. The committee reported that BH had reacted very positively to our comments and had engaging with us in a collaborative way. Some of our suggestions they had already implemented in the scheme – such as not having a public entrance/exit at Shaw Lane (they have now proposed raising/falling bollards which would allow access by the emergency services but not the public.). They accept a roundabout is needed at the entrance on Kingswood Road but wish to implement this at a later phase.
RK, ex Sever Trent and one of the key people who successfully campaigned for the refurbishment of drainage in the village, had discussed drainage with BH and understood that David Thompson had agreed that the outlet would be towards the pond near the junction of Shaw Lane/Kingswood Rd, which would avoid adding water to the areas of the village which had flooded previously.
BH had initially proposed a parking area for users of the station and had indicated a footpath from there to connect directly with the station forecourt, although this path crossed the “McKeand Smith track” and was not in their gift to provide – but it showed that they were trying to produce a scheme which reflected the needs of the village.  It was understood that this area of the development was now not within the phase 2 proposed and some thought that perhaps this maybe the result of differences between different land owners. The remaining part of the land, if developed, would probably be too small to then allow the provision of the parking area – this was not good for the village. ACTION: PW and RS to meet Mark Yeomans.
The committee was pleased to report that liaison between the Society and the developer was continuing positively and that we generally supported their development and our aim was to provide local input suggestions for their consideration to help them provide a scheme which was good for both the purchasers of their houses and existing residents.
Ian suggested that the Society should frequently review the Planning Register to follow up to see if the developer was implementing the various suggestions as the scheme developed. The chairman thanked Ian for coming to meet us and for his comments and advice which were very helpful. Ian suggested that Gemma Lawley, Lead Highways Officer was the person to contact regarding planning aspects associated with highways.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 4th April 2016 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP had provided a written report. Payments out: - A deposit of
£387.00 had been paid for the 5th Planter. Annual fee £96.25 for a new website had been
organised by Shaun Meredith-Jones, our webmaster (which was now less than last year’s cost of £130.79), Albrighton Fayre fee £25.00. Bank balance at 25th April 2016 was £2382.13.

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Entrances Scheme. PW reported that SC had refused to ask their contractor cut the verges at Patshull Lane/A464 junction due to a squeeze on funds.

b) Eyesores. BH reported.  Michael Ward would bring to the PC the matter of the maintenance of the benches
Ex- Barclays Bank – work appeared to be re-starting.
Work is now being carried out at the Stn Rd shops but BH would follow up to see if the facia board at the rear could be painted.
There was a discussion of how to deal with eyesores on private property and it was agreed that any proposed interventions would be discussed by the committee to find the most suitable/sensitive approach.

c) Future of the Swimming Pool. PW reported that an informal meeting was held on 28th April attended by Malcolm Pate, Sylvia Pledger, Julie Bratt, Chris Edwards, 2 SC officers, Michael Ward and PW. (RS was abroad on business and could not attend). PW tabled an extract from ADCS minutes with a report by RS of the meeting held at the school on 4th January 2016.  
Michael Ward will prepare a Note of the Meeting.
It was agreed that CE and PW would work together to produce some options for a plan to put the pool into the hands of Alb PC.

d) Planters and Funding
RK noted that the application to STAR housing for as grant showed the location of the planter but MP had found that it may have to be in a different place. This point to be discussed at a committee meeting when RK & MP are available.

e) Station Pedestrian Ramp. RS, Secretary Ramp Team, reported that still no news of the risk assessment arranged by Chris Edwards and Michael Ward had been received. Concern at lack of progress was expressed as time was passing and soon SC’s contractor for the footpath work would be on site (July 2016). Until this risk assessment issue was settled no start could be made to draft the legal agreements.
ACTION: RS to follow up with Mark Pritchard who was seeking a commitment from NR that they would definitely replace the bridge at Easter 2017 as promised (they had postponed this several times over last 3 years).

6. AOB
a) PW proposed that ADCS purchase two substantial bird feeders to be placed in the garden behind the library. This was agreed. Two options - Wyevale or Shropshire Wildlife Trust. RS would look at both but said he was likely to get a good discount at Wyevale Telford.
b) Post Office to move to High St?  PW reported a conversation had with the PO which had said they would make a decision next week.

Next  meeting: 2pm. Monday 6th June at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house).

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 4th July 2016.
(Committee Meetings are usually held on the first Monday each month)

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 10th October 2016